Rights and Responsibilities in the Bahá’í Family System


Gender Equality

How to Cite

Mahmoudi, H., and R. DaBell. “Rights and Responsibilities in the Bahá’í Family System”. The Journal of Bahá’í Studies, vol. 5, no. 2, June 1992, pp. 1-12, doi:10.31581/jbs-5.2.1(1992).


This article discusses the rights and responsibilities ascribed in the Bahá’í teachings to the members of the family. The complementary, rather than identical, functions of women and men are explored. It is asserted that through the application of Bahá’í teachings the institution of marriage and family emerges as a fundamental building block in the development of a new society and global civilization based on equality and unity among its members. The need for the application of the principle of gender equality in the family by focusing on the flexible aspects of gender roles as described in the Bahá’í writings is discussed. The importance of consultation as an instrument for effective communication within the family system is explained and its positive outcome in developing a loving egalitarian environment between and among family members is examined.

Paper presented at the North Central Regional meeting of the Association for Bahá’í Studies, February 3, 1990, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

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Copyright © 1992 Hoda Mahmoudi, Richard DaBell