An Interview of Roger White - Conducted and Edited by John S. Hatcher
In 1991, well-known Bahá’í poet Roger White retired from his work at the Bahá’í World Centre because he was dying of cancer. John Hatcher had always intended to write a piece on Roger’s poetry, and suddenly aware of the brief chance he had to pose all the relevant questions to Roger about his art, Hatcher talked to Roger on the phone, recorded his responses on tape, and had the results of that Q&A transcribed. The following dialogue is the result of Hatcher’s original objective and Roger’s willingness, despite his failing health, to participate in creating what is a remarkably frank and revealing conversation. While some of the discussion involves Bahá’í terms, it provides a glimpse into the mind of a gifted poet and the struggles that he, like so many other Bahá’í artists, encountered in trying to respond to the exhortation from Bahá’u’lláh that art best serves humanity when it elevates and edifies the soul and its spiritual receptivity. Surely Roger’s poetry accomplished that objective for many Bahá’ís, and doubtless it will continue to do so well into the future.

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Copyright © 2016 John S. Hatcher, Roger White