Evolving toward a Bahá’í Economic System

How to Cite

Dahl, G. “Evolving Toward a Bahá’í Economic System”. The Journal of Bahá’í Studies, vol. 4, no. 3, Sept. 1991, pp. 1-15, doi:10.31581/jbs-4.3.1(1991).


Brilliant ideals are fruitless if no effort is made to implement them, while actions can have no useful result unless guided by ideals. Thus a balance and an interplay between goals and actions are necessary. This article attempts to relate the principles and objectives (as we imperfectly understand them) of a “Bahá’í economic system” to current conditions and opportunities, and suggests a number of topics for further research.

This revised article first appeared in the now out-of-print Bahá’í Studies Notebook (“Towards an Ever-Advancing Civilization”) 3.3/4 (1984); 39–52.

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Copyright © 1991 Gregory C. Dahl