Is the Bahá’í Faith a World Religion?
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Comment citer

Fazel, S. « Is the Bahá’í Faith a World Religion? ». La Revue Des Études Bahá’íes, vol. 6, nᵒ 1, mars 1994, p. 1-16, doi:10.31581/jbs-6.1.1(1994).


This article will explore some of the issues involved in the sociological analysis of the status of the Bahá’í Faith. It will endeavor to present criteria for the labels “world religion” and “new religious movement,” as well as explore to what extent the Bahá’í Faith fulfils these criteria. It will attempt to demonstrate that the Bahá’í Faith is best categorized as a “world religion.”
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(c) Tous droits réservés S. Fazel 1994