On Meeting Robert Hayden in a Dream
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Comment citer

Ali, A. « On Meeting Robert Hayden in a Dream ». La Revue Des Études Bahá’íes, vol. 25, nᵒ 3, septembre 2015, p. 64, https://journal.bahaistudies.ca/online/article/view/385.


“On Meeting Robert Hayden in a Dream” is in homage to Robert Hayden, a giant of American and African American letters. When I first read his collection American Journal, I was immediately struck by his interest in “the other.” I do not need to tell you how relevant his work is today. Are we not “aliens” to each other? Are we not holding signs claiming that our lives matter? I believe now more than ever, Hayden’s work needs to be discussed as a pillar of American literature in the way that we talk about Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson.

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