When We In/visibilize Our Nobility . . .
This issue cover features beautiful artwork by Bunch Washington with people of many colours lined up in abstract, wearing wonderful robes and patterns. The patterns blend together, as a visual representation of unity in diversity.
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Comment citer

Sattarzadeh, S. «   ». La Revue Des Études Bahá’íes, vol. 30, nᵒ 3, mai 2021, p. 77-91, doi:10.31581/jbs-30.3.319(2020).


In October 2011, an international faith-based women’s rights non-governmental organization (NGO) convened a press briefing for invited members of the United States Congress and their staff in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. The briefing was an advocacy initiative to address the Violence Against Women Act...

Original PDF (English)
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(c) Tous droits réservés Sahar Sattarzadeh 2021