The Artist and the Grammarian
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Comment citer

Rogers, O. « The Artist and the Grammarian ». La Revue Des Études Bahá’íes, vol. 19, nᵒ 1-4, décembre 2009, p. 1-26, doi:10.31581/jbs-19.1-4.1(2009).


The 27th Hasan M. Balyuzi Memorial Lecture

I would like to express my appreciation for the opportunity given to me by the Association for Bahá’í Studies to present the Balyuzi Lecture. After giving a lot of thought to what I might say in this lecture, I decided to make a commentary—rather than offer what you might call a thesis—about two things that have concerned me, that is, the “mystic wayfarer” and the “grammarian.” We all have aspects of both of those conditions in each of us: on the one hand, we want to enthusiastically and with great zeal embrace the unknown, wandering a kind of invisible path in the hope of being confirmed in the living of our life; and on the other hand, we place limits on what life can manifest, afraid of going over the edge.
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(c) Tous droits réservés Otto Donald Rogers 2009