Transformative Leadership
Fishing Spot, Baffin Island - artwork by Jane Blanch Macmillan
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How to Cite

Barstow Hernandez, J. “Transformative Leadership: Its Evolution and Impact”. The Journal of Bahá’í Studies, vol. 28, no. 3, Sept. 2018, pp. 55-85, doi:10.31581/jbs-28.3.3(2018).


The ideas behind the conceptual framework and eighteen capabilities of Núr University’s Transformative Leadership Program were developed in the 1990s as a Bahá’í-inspired approach to leadership that could be used in academic settings or in projects of social action involving the general public. Since then, this program has been used in approximately sixty projects or workshops in forty countries in North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, generating a significant impact regardless of culture. Both the conceptual framework, which consists of six elements, and the capabilities are closely related to a method of transformative learning, which enhances the power of its focus.
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Copyright © 2018 Joan Barstow Hernandez