Spirituality in Medicine
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How to Cite

Hatcher, S. “Spirituality in Medicine: Reflections of a Bahá’í Physician”. The Journal of Bahá’í Studies, vol. 25, no. 4, Dec. 2015, pp. 7-24, https://journal.bahaistudies.ca/online/article/view/470.


Medical practice and education in the western world are  undergoing a process of change and renewal, precipitated by
rising costs as well as the complexities of chronic diseases and an aging population. In the context of a decidedly more holistic
approach to health and healing, there is increasing interest and discussion in the medical milieu of the role of spirituality in patient care. This paper is a self-reflective piece by a Bahá’í family physician and educator, in which the author shares some
of her experiences and challenges with patients, students, and colleagues related to the integration of spirituality into  medicine.

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