The Development of Communication and the Communication of Development

How to Cite

Stephens, K. D. “The Development of Communication and the Communication of Development”. The Journal of Bahá’í Studies, vol. 2, no. 4, Dec. 1990, pp. 59-80, doi:10.31581/jbs-2.4.426(1990).


The human species is sustained and nourished by a continuous interchange, a sharing of thoughts, opinions, and feelings known as communication. Various media have evolved as aids to the communication process, from the grunts and gestures of prehistoric societies to the modern world or satellites, video, and computerized data. Although communication has always been the key to the process of human development. the phrase “development communication” only came into vogue in the last twenty years, first using radio and other mass media in one-way, top-down broadcast form to “sell” someone’s idea of development to the “ignorant” and downtrodden. As these early models failed to produce spectacular results, the idea of participatory development gained support, with the same downtrodden but suddenly less ignorant public given increasing access to development communication channels. New models are needed to deal with the communication of development: a multidirectional consultative process based on sharing, participation, interchange, and mutual respect and trust. Where is the society that could not benefit from such a process? This paper will briefly synthesize past efforts in development support communication and then suggest new models for development through communication. in a process commencing at the local level.
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