The Role of the Feminine in the New Era

How to Cite

Woodman, M. “The Role of the Feminine in the New Era”. The Journal of Bahá’í Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, Mar. 1989, pp. 59-65, doi:10.31581/jbs-2.1.4(1989).


The unveiling of the Persian poet, Táhirih, at the conference of Badasht in 1848 actualizes the larger symbolic unveiling of Fátimih destined to lake place on the Day of Judgment as she crosses the bridge “Sirat.” That larger unveiling, announcing the promised Day of God, may, in terms of Táhirih’s bold actualization of Fátimih’s symbolic act, be identified with the emergence in this century of the feminine from the relative obscurity to which the feminine has been patriarchally subjected throughout the now-ended Adamic cycle. The alliance between Eve and the serpent, her role as temptress, images the feminine in the Adamic cycle as the “shadow” side of the human person that is now being creatively absorbed into the light of a new global consciousness. Indeed, the Maid of Heaven addressing Bahá’u’lláh as the “Most Exalted Pen” would appear to be an initiator or instigator of that consciousness. Working in partnership with the masculine (the inner marriage of the masculine and feminine in both sexes), the unveiled feminine announces a long-awaited coming of age or psychic integration.
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Copyright © 1989 Marion Woodman