A Collaborative Exploration of the Harmony of Science and Religion
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How to Cite

Sabet, M. “A Collaborative Exploration of the Harmony of Science and Religion: From the Editor’s Desk”. The Journal of Bahá’í Studies, vol. 33, no. 3, Mar. 2024, pp. 3-10, doi:10.31581/jbs-33.3.547(2023).


The papers in these two issues are the fruit of a collaborative process dating back more than four years, in which a number of friends have studied, consulted, written, and reflected together on the theme of the harmony of science and religion.
This editorial provides an opportunity to share reflections on both this theme itself, and the process by which these papers came about. We turn first to the theme, a perennial topic of reflection and study for many Bahá’ís, and situate the three papers in this issue in the context of the broad discourse on the harmony of science and religion.

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