Anne Gould Hauberg and Mark Tobey
Transition - painting by Leonard Ericks
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How to Cite

Gordon Perry, A. “Anne Gould Hauberg and Mark Tobey: Lives Lived for Art, Cultivated by Spirit”. The Journal of Bahá’í Studies, vol. 26, no. 4, Dec. 2016, pp. 95-104, doi:10.31581/jbs-26.4.8(2016).


Seattle art patron Anne Gould Hauberg (1917–2016) and Seattle-based painter Mark Tobey (1890–1976) shared a common interest in art and faith. Their friendship spanned decades, with Hauberg providing patronage for Tobey, who, along with creating significant works of art for her and other Northwest collectors, taught her about the Bahá’í Faith, which guided her for the rest of her life. Following the recent death of Hauberg, the author reflects on her visits with the two art lovers—visits that occurred forty years apart—and pays tribute to them as individuals and as friends who nurtured and helped to sustain each other.
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Copyright © 2016 Anne Gordon Perry